Acupuncture is an ancient treatment method being around for thousands of years. In general, these fine, sterilize needles are inserted into meridians(channels) of the body to promote Qi(energy) circulation, based on different conditions, different techniques are chosen.
At Chinese Acupuncture & Natural Healing Clinic, we treat all illness and prevent for further complications; whether it's stress, body tension, or more complicated conditions like Bell's palsy, infertility, we will help you make your first step towards recovery.
At Chinese Acupuncture & Natural Healing Clinic, we treat all illness and prevent for further complications; whether it's stress, body tension, or more complicated conditions like Bell's palsy, infertility, we will help you make your first step towards recovery.
Registered Acupuncturist & Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Master degree from UofT. Experienced in traditional Chinese pulse reading and proficient in combining acupuncture and herbal therapies for holistic treatment, Diane is dedicated to improving overall well-being by addressing both symptoms and potential health risks.
He is a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist who graduated from Humber College with honours. After obtaining his master’s degree in China, he pursued his passion in TCM and acupuncture in Canada. Joe has extensively studied classical Chinese medical texts, enabling him to master nearly all skills of traditional Chinese medical techniques, including Acupuncture, Chinese Massage (Tui Na), Moxibustion, Cupping, Gua Sha, and Herbal Medicine. Additionally, he is proficient in using flathead needles (鈹针) for treating various types of pain, as well as conditions like insomnia and anxiety.
HeeSun is a dedicated Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) who graduated from the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (OCTCM). With a deep passion for holistic health, she has acquired skills to address mental health challenges such as anxiety, PTSD, and trauma. Drawing from her extensive training, she integrates diverse techniques, including Wu's head Massage, cupping, and Auricular (Ear) acupuncture, to provide personalized care for her clients. HeeSun also has a particular interest in treating injuries- both mental and physical- resulting from motor vehicle accidents or other traumatic events. Additionally, she is passionate about women's health, helping her clients navigate hormonal imbalances, menstrual challenges, and other related concerns. In her free time, HeeSun enjoys staying active through yoga and playing pickleball. Her commitment to fostering balance and wellness shines through in both her professional practice and personal pursuits.